- This will be a review of a selected topic from the list below (the list contains potential project topics which lean more towards the theory side, the applied side and towards both). Additional topics will be considered on a case-by-case basis through the Abstract submission.
- This is not a research project, but we would open and more than happy to hear from you of any research ideas, as a potential last section in your review report (not necessary though). ****
- The projects must be done in groups of 2-4 people [No exceptions]. Please coordinate via Campuswire to find suitable partners (we created a
chatroom for that purpose)
- Grade: 30% of final grade.
- Abstract Submission: Nov 9th. A one-page pdf that explains your approach to your chosen topic, and the questions you are planning to develop, along with a list of tentative bibliography.
- Small Presentation: Dec 14th. We ask you to prepare a small presentation (~10mins, depending on the number of projects) of your project. This will take place during the last lecture.
- Project Report Submission: Dec 17th. The report should be at most 8 pages, excluding references (appendices are allowed if needed for additional figures or calculations)
List of Suggested Topics (ongoing)